The wonderful diversity of wetlands

Wetlands are treasure troves of biodiversity. Many natural wetlands have decreased over the last hundred years, particularly due to agriculture, as wetland areas have been drained for fields. Polaria restored a wetland area in Mäntyharju as part of its 50th-anniversary celebrations in 2020.

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In 2020, Polaria celebrated its 50th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we donated biodiversity to our hometown Mäntyharju: during the anniversary year, a wetland was restored in Mäntyharju in cooperation with the Finnish Wildlife Agency. The work was carried out locally: the plan for the wetland was made by the Finnish Wildlife Agency’s South Savo regional office, and the excavation work was done by Maanrakennus Leppä Ky.

A search for a restoration site was held on the Finnish Wildlife Agency’s Facebook page in autumn 2019. About twenty suggestions were received, from which a one-hectare area on the land of the Huovila Agricultural Partnership in Mäntyharju was chosen. The area had been forced into farmland for decades, but its naturally wet condition had resisted every year. The site was selected because it had the best natural conditions for wetland restoration.

Photo: Selected wetland area before land shaping in August 2019

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The actual work began in January 2020, with land shaping taking about two weeks. Within six months of excavation, the wetland area was green and held water well. The area had already attracted water birds, such as goldeneyes and great crested grebes. At the end of summer and early autumn 2020, a water regulation system was installed to ensure water remains in the area regardless of annual rainfall. The goal is for the wetland to return to its natural state within a few years, providing a lush habitat for many plant and animal species.

Photo: Wetland after land shaping in March 2020

Polarian kosteikkoprojekti

Wetlands are treasure troves of biodiversity. Many natural wetlands have decreased over the last hundred years, particularly due to agriculture, as wetland areas have been drained for fields. Wetlands create numerous environmental benefits, from providing habitats to protecting water: they are crucial habitats for species like dragonflies and waterfowl, they reduce flooding, and they filter nutrients from runoff water. Additionally, wetlands are valuable recreational areas for birdwatching, nature observation, and hunting.

At Polaria, we want to promote the vitality and diversity of our local areas. That’s why we challenge all Finnish companies to take actions for the good of their local communities. We believe that if companies across Finland get involved in restoration efforts, the impact on the environment would be nationally significant.

Photo: Finished wetland in July 2020